PDF Service | Korean | Japanese |
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![]() 1. How do I read Korean fonts? 2. I have downloaded Global IME but I still cannot read Korean fonts. 3. How do I subscribe to the hard copy version of the Chosun Ilbo in the US, how much is it and whom do I contact? 4. How do I place an advertisement on the Chosun Ilbo paper? Or on the chosun.com site? 5. For your online advertisements, what does Per Impression stand for? 6. Can I place a free ad on your site? 7. Do you translate all of the articles of the Chosun Ilbo paper? 8. Do you have an e-mail listing service? 9. How do I apply for an internship at Digital Chosun? 1. How do I read Korean fonts? If you are using Microsoft's Internet Explorer, select "Korean" at the following Microsoft Global IME5.01 page and download the file to your computer and execute that file by clicking on it twice. 2. I have downloaded Global IME but I still cannot read Korean fonts. Check within View and then Encoding to see whether the fonts are set on "Korean." You may have to reboot your computer for the downloaded program to activate. 3. How do I subscribe to the hard copy version of the Chosun Ilbo in the US, how much is it and whom do I contact? There is no local office of the Chosun Ilbo in the United States so the newspaper is sent by air mail from Korea. If the paper is sent daily, the monthly subscription fee is W93,500. If the paper is sent every other day, it is W75,000, twice a week costs W69,500, and once a week W63,500. Send the relevant fee to the Chosun Ilbo's Kookmin Bank account number: 813-01-0166-961, and state your name, address, the type of subscription you requested and the amount you sent in an e-mail and send it to Kim Chang-ryeol or by fax: (822) 724-5707 or 724-5709. The Chosun Ilbo Sales Department will check whether the wired amount has been deposited in their account and then send the paper. The subscription fee is calculated in monthly units. The telephone number of the person in charge is: (822) 724-5762. Alternatively, send the information to letters@chosun.com and we will make sure the Sales Department proceeds your subscription order. In e-format, however, the daily paper is available in an online PDF format at: pdf.chosun.com. 4. How do I place an advertisement on the Chosun Ilbo newspaper? Or on the chosun.com site? To place an advertisement on the Chosun Ilbo newspaper, refer to its site at http://english.chosun.com/adinfo/english/advertisement2.html. Contact Hong Dae-sun at dshong@chosun.com. For the Digital Chosun's site, refer to http://www.chosun.com/ead.html. Contact Kim Jong-lae of the Marketing Team by e-mail at jlkim@chosun.com or Chris Price of the English News Team at englishads@chosun.com. 5. For your online advertisements, what does Per Impression stand for? Per impression means per page view or the number of hits made on the site. 6. Can I place a free ad on your site? You may place your own advertisements on our Community site at: http://english.chosun.com/english/community/community.html. However, reasonable guidelines should be followed. 7. Do you translate all of the articles on the Chosun Ilbo paper? No. We make selections from the evening edition and carry only main stories, such as the Editorials, and top business, politics and national news. We do not cover international news as we feel other sites have this market adequately covered. 8. Do you have an e-mail listing service? No. We are considering to start a service that sends out links of our daily headline news articles by e-mail but we have not received that many requests from our readers to do so. However, we plan to study the matter and initiate such a service if a demand arises. 9. How do I apply for an internship at Digital Chosun? Send your curriculum vitae, self introduction, purpose of applying for the internship to letters@chosun.com along with a detailed explanation of the period and duration you can work at Digital Chosun. |