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Subway Tour

Jemulpo Station: Sorae Port
Take bus 21 from the Jemulpo station on line1 to Sorae port. People who desire to the sea near Seoul often choose Sorae port as their destination. Over 300 boats come and go delivering fish for a giant market with fresh seafood. There are raw fish houses around the market for the more adventurous to dine on.

Noryangjin Station: Noryangjin Fishery Market
Get off at line1 at Noryangjin station. Here you can see an enormous fish market. Nearly 60% of the seafood that people eat goes through this huge market. The history of this market began in 1934 and is a well-known fish market in Seoul. There, you can eat raw fish at reasonable price.

City Hall Station: Seoul Publicity Hall
Take exit5 at the City Hall station. The Seoul Publicity Hall is located across from City Hall and faces it. At the Seoul Publicity Hall you can see information on 600 years of culture as well as good and tourist information. You can also use the VTR, CD-Rom and Internet for data.

Jonggak Station: Boshingak
Exit4 line1 at Jonggak station. This is the place where the Boshingak bell is rung at midnight to celebrate the New Year. Here there is a large and ornately decorated pavilion that houses the bell.

Jegi Station: Gyeongdong Market
Exit5 line1 at Jegi station. Here you will find an herb medicine market with 30 years of tradition. Over 1000 shops including herb hospitals, herb medicine pharmacies, herb medicine import/expert offices, and herbal medicine decoction shops can be found here. The prices are 20~40% cheaper than elsewhere in the city.

Cheongryangni Station: Cheongryangni Train Station
Get off at line1 at Cheongryangni station. This is where you can catch a train to the eastern tourist resorts such as Chuncheon in Gangwon-do province, Mt.Seolak, and Chondongjin on the east coast.

Dobongsan Station: Mt. Bukhan National Park
Exit the Dobongsan station on line1. The Mt. Bukhan national park includes Mt. Bukhan and Mt. Dobong. They were designated as a national park in 1983 and cover an area of 78.45§´. The Insubong (peak), Baekundae, Mangyeongdae and Nojeokbong (peak), rising in the middle of the park are magnificent. While there you are likely to find old ruins as well.

(Sourced from WHAT'S ON SEOUL)

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