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Nakwon Instrument Center -
A Paradise for Musicians

ou can find pretty much anything relating to music within the Nakwon Instrument Center. Want to purchase an instrument for a friend? Nakwon is indeed the ideal place for this because they have everything you might want, at unbeatable prices.

Nakwon Instrument Center has been dealing with musical instruments since the 1970? and is the focal point for musical instruments and all music related products. This is the place to purchase musical instruments, sound systems of international brands and also obtain any kind of information relating to music. Currently, Nakwon consists of 350 shops spread on 4 floors, each outlet specializing in one type of product. It is common knowledge that each shop dates back 10 to 20 years and that their owners play at least one instrument professionally.

Nakwon is known as the "Instruments Museum." Instruments sold range from classical instruments such as the violin to wind instruments such as clarinets. You will also find instruments for nowadays bands such as bass, drums, keyboards, accordion, while traditional Korean instruments are also very well represented. Prices vary; imported instruments will tend to be a little expensive whilst educational instruments are rather cheap. Still, prices within Nakwon are around 30% cheaper than in any other place. Nakwon has also been recently improved with heating and air conditioning in an effort to make it a comfortable and welcoming place.

  • How to get there: Get off at subway line numbers 1, 3, or 5 and use the exit indicating Nakwon Instrument Center
  • Opening hours: 10:00am-8:00pm

    (Sourced from WHAT'S ON SEOUL)

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