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Nuzzon Fashion Mall
The Birth place of Fashion & The metro police of Culture

et's look into the secret of how Nuzzon came to be the center of the commercial district of Tongdaemun and recognized as the new birthplace of the Korean fashion industry

Looking into each store;

B2 floor - The corner stone of Nuzzon where you can see luxurious imported cloths and accessories with popular brands from Milan and Paris. For those who prefer high class goods, this will be a big pleasure offering original luxuries with wholesale prices and different from market street imitations.
B1-2nd floor - There are more than 600 shops with fashion leading designs, especially fitting for the new generation.
3rd floor - Covers all the men's wear from Hip-hop style to formal suits.
4th floor - All about accessories.
5th floor - A big hit for professionals in fashion and a target for fashion magazines.
6th floor - Accessories and semi-precious jewelry production with more than 1,000 kinds of styles and other miscellaneous goods prepared for the perfect look.
7th floor - Attracts shoppers by offering many kinds of food and snacks.
9th floor - Feeling exhausted? On this floor a cozy coffee shop is ready for you to take a break.

Tel: 6366-3001/2
Opening hours: 20:00-08:00, Closed on Saturdays and holidays
Location: Across from parking lot of Tongdaemun Stadium

   Hot Tips
Highly Recommended Shops at NUZZON

1st Fl. No.320 Seri Nit
There are knits of various colors and designs with reasonable prices for teenagers.
Tel: 6366-5900 / Japanese yen and US dollars accepted.

4th Fl. No.122 DIVERSE
A range of inexpensive designs with natural raw materials and imported leather, popular with the young generation for its variety of selections.
Tel: 366-4288 / Japanese yen and US dollars accepted.

6th Fl. No.223 SILVER'S LOUNGE
Various silver accessories such as ear rings, couple rings, necklaces and so on.
Tel: 6366-3915 / Japanese yen, US dollars, and credit cards accepted.

(Sourced from WHAT'S ON SEOUL)

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